Kids & Youth at Bryndwr Chapel
Programmes from preschool to Year 13

Ages: 0 - 5yrs
Wednesdays 10.00 - 11.30am
(during school terms)
mainly music is all about preschoolers and their caregivers enjoying music and making memories together. Our 30 minute sessions are full of fun songs, rhymes, actions and movement, and are followed by morning tea, a time of unstructured play for the children, and a time for the adults to connect with others.
Ages 3 - 12yrs
Sundays 10.00 - 11.00am
(during school terms)
Kidszone is a time for children to have fun together, learning about how God loves them through Bible stories, memory verses, activities and games.

School Years 5 - 8
Fridays 7.00 - 8.00pm
(during school terms)
IYAG is a time of fun and friendship, a chance to be involved in games, activities and competitions, to listen and learn from Bible stories, and to have supper together.
There is no cost except for special activities.
School Years 9 - 13
Fridays 7.00 - 9.00pm
(during school terms)
MyZone involves games and activities, a Bible-based talk, small group conversations, friendship and supper. There is no cost except for special activities and camps which occur from time to time.